Dog Health: How to Keep a Dog Healthy Naturally?

Published on 15 August 2021 at 09:24

What Must You Do To Keep a Dog Healthy & Happy?

How to keep your dog healthy naturally? All kinds of disorders and diseases can be prevented by proper housing, nutrition and care. In this blog you will read how to keep your dog healthy for as long as possible and what preventive measures a dog owner can take against diseases and illnesses.


#9 Ways To Keep Your Dog Healthy Naturally

From proper nutrition and preventative medications to grooming and mental stimulation, these tips will keep your dog or cat in tiptop shape. Dogs let you know what they think of people, places and situations with their eyes, ears, tail and other body parts. Recognising and understanding your dog's body language is therefore an important part of communicating with him.


This is especially important if your dog's behaviour or body language suddenly shows that he is no longer happy but is feeling stressful, anxious or lonely. Sometimes a dog's body language or behaviour can indicate that he is not happy with his current situation.


#1: Balanced & Proper Nutrition Diet

Why? Feeding your pet the right amount and type of food helps him maintain a healthy weight, which is one of the best ways to prevent obesity-related illnesses and extend his lifespan. Read how to tell if your dog is healthy


What? Provide them with a diet that closely mimics their natural eating habits in the wild, like our raw food formulas. Primal Formulas are made up of high-quality protein that provides the essential amino acids, fatty acids, active enzymes, and calcium necessary to support the overall health of your dog. Pets can usually meet their nutritional needs from a balanced diet of quality food, but check with your veterinarian to see if he needs any supplements. Also be sure your pet gets enough fresh water, and keep an eye on the amount of treats you give him; most veterinarians suggest they should make up no more than 10% of your pet’s daily calories. Find a vet to reach out to for consultation.


#2: Housing

Dogs live in the house with their owner in the majority of cases. A place of their own in the house is then nice, such as a dog bed. Make sure it is not exposed to draughts or full sun and adapt the lying area to your dog. Older dogs or dogs with a thin coat, for example, often like it soft. Also take into account any joint problems when going in and out of the basket. clean the basket regularly if possible or put a blanket in it that you can wash.


Especially for dogs that are prone to joint problems, a slippery floor can increase the chance of developing symptoms such as hip dysplasia. This also applies to puppies, where the joints, tendons and muscles are not yet fully developed. And a slippery floor is also unpleasant for older dogs that have difficulty walking.

Many stairs is also not good for dogs. Teach the dog to walk up and down the stairs quietly without running. Make sure your dog doesn't have access to dangerous substances such as cleaning products. Keep poisonous plants, electrical cords and dangerous objects as well as food that is not for the dog out of reach.


#3: Exercise & Challenge Your Dog Mentally

Regular walks, hiking, playing fetch and swimming can keep your pet physically active and fit. Providing toys to play with, hiding treats, building obstacle courses and practicing new tricks all keep your dog or cat interested and engaged. You can also change up your walking routine to expose your pet to new scenery and smells.


The third rule of life is to make sure your dog gets enough mental challenge. Challenge your dog mentally. A healthy brain keeps your dog healthy and fit. Moreover, a dog loves to be mentally challenged. So play games now and then, like search games or fetch games. Or play hide and seek. Even older dogs love these kinds of games! And it is good for the brain.

#4 Preventative Medications

Taking preventative measures go hand in hand with regular veterinarian checkups. Preventative medications can keep your pet free of unwanted health issues, like heartworm, flea-related diseases and tick-borne illnesses. In addition, regularly brushing your pet’s teeth and giving him dental chews help prevent periodontal disease, which can lead to more serious health problems.

#5 Grooming Dog Health

Grooming the coat
Trimming has a double benefit. Brushing spreads the protective grease on the coat and thus keeps the skin healthy and clean. Trimming is also a relaxing activity for both you and your dog. Grooming techniques vary according to the type of coat and it is important to know how to care for different lengths of hair.


Grooming a smooth coat
Unlike long-haired breeds, dogs with smooth coats do not require much grooming. Brush your dog once a week, this way you will be able to remove all the dead skin cells and hairs. Use a rubber brush first to loosen dead hairs and dirt, then a silk brush to remove them.


Care of a short coat
A dog with a short coat should be brushed regularly to prevent tangles. Start with a pin brush to remove the hair mass and knots, then use a silk brush to remove dead hairs and dirt. Never cut the hair mass with scissors.


Caring for a Long Coat
A long coat requires daily attention. Start by detangling the hair mass and use a pin brush or a comb. Never cut the hair mass with scissors. Comb the hair with a wide-tooth comb, paying special attention to the back, tail and legs. Cut all unruly hair.


Caring for a silky coat
The silky coat requires a lot of attention. Start by untangling the knots with a pin brush or a comb, then use a silk brush to bring out the natural shine of the coat. To give your dog some style, you can create a parting on the back by brushing the hairs down on each side. Trim all unruly hair.

#6 Dental Care Health

Dental Care
Healthy teeth are very important for your dog. Your dog's teeth and gums are as vulnerable to infection as yours, and dental problems are the most common infection in dogs over the age of three. Without healthy gums and teeth, your dog cannot get the most out of his food. In the absence of proper dental care, harmful bacteria develop, disrupting metabolism and often ending up in the bloodstream, affecting the kidneys, heart and other organs.


Dental care at home
How long will you last without brushing your teeth? Your dog's teeth and gums deserve regular care, at least 3 to 4 times a week and preferably every day. Dental care should begin very early, even before a puppy loses its baby teeth (4-6 months). To get your puppy used to examining and brushing his teeth, this should be started slowly and systematically. Choose a time when your puppy is calm and quiet. In the beginning, simply lift the hanging lips on both sides of its mouth and rub its teeth with a finger wrapped in gauze or cloth. Concentrate on the outside of the teeth, where plaque tends to accumulate. Praise your dog and reward him at the end of each session.


Once your dog gets used to brushing his teeth, you can use a soft toothbrush for dogs. Do not use toothpaste in the beginning. Dip the toothbrush into warm water and brush the teeth with emphasis on where teeth and gums meet, tilting the toothbrush head 45° to reach the area below the gumline. Make regular movements and apply light pressure.

Finally, when your dog is used to brushing, use an enzyme toothpaste for dogs (there are several flavors: meat, mint and malt). Never use a toothbrush for humans.


If your dog won't allow you to examine his mouth (a common problem when dental care is started later in life), you can solve this problem by using oral hygiene gels (available from your veterinarian) that contain enzymes capable of counteracting the bacteria that cause plaque formation, dental pads that stick to the gums, toys to chew on, and chewing products specifically designed to reduce tartar and massage the gums.

Dry dog food can also help promote the removal of plaque and tartar.

#7 Affection

Establishing a strong bond with your dog or cat is good for both of you. Cuddles, petting, belly rubs and even brushing his coat are great ways to show your pet some love. Not only does this strengthen the emotional connection with your pet, but it promotes your pet having positive interactions with other animals and humans.

#8 Socialization With Other Dogs

According to the American Animal Hospital Association, “Early socialization [in dogs] and appropriate exposure to various people and situations at a young age decreases the odds of antisocial or fearfully aggressive behaviors as an adult.” A puppy’s or kitten’s formative years — from a few weeks old to about 16-18 weeks — is the most critical period for socialization. So be sure they get enough people and animal interaction, not just in the early months but throughout their life. 


How? A few options include visiting family and friends, taking a trip to the dog park, going for a walk around the neighborhood or letting your pet spend an afternoon at daycare after they’ve received the all clear from your vet. Boost your pup’s social skills with play dates, dog park visits, and walks around the neighborhood. Dogs develop better coping skills when they are more socialized, which builds trust and makes your connection stronger. If they have more opportunities to socialize, they will be less likely to get out of control around other animals. Dogs are very social animals that need emotional stimulation from other dogs in order to thrive.

#9 Comfort on The Road

L'élianne ® designer dog car seat is original, exclusive & innovative designed for any car-adventure. Our iconic dog travel bed provides the best protection, comfort, and support during dangerous & unsafe situations.


The dog booster seat is a must-have to instantly master anxiety, stress or car sickness. The elevated seat provides a breathtaking view of the outside world. L'élianne ® strives for a future where dogs no longer have to feel such problems.


The luxury dog booster car seat functions as an airbag effect during sharp turns, hard brakes & high bumps. By recreating the comforts of your home for small to medium-sized dogs into the car.

#10 Be Careful With Human Food

Be careful when feeding your dog human food. Realize that certain human foods can hurt or kill a dog. Dog’s bodies can’t always metabolize foods like humans can so make sure your dog does not have access to these foods: grapes, raisins, chocolates, avocados, yeast dough, nuts, alcohol, onions, garlic, chives, and sugar-free gum (mainly the ingredient xylitol[4] [5] ). These are all toxic to dogs.

  • While you can make your own dog food, you must work with an animal nutritionist or veterinarian with education in pet food nutrition. This ensures your dog’s diet is nutritionally balanced.




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Dog Health: How to Keep a Dog Healthy Naturally?

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