Pomeranian Dog Breed: Information, Travelling & Transport Tips

Published on 27 October 2022 at 12:04

Information About The Dog Breed - Pomeranian

The Pomeranian may be small, but they are real extroverts with a very friendly and affectionate nature. They are the smallest of the Spitz-type dog breed group and have a very foxy appearance, all wrapped up in a bundle of fluff. They have an interesting ancestry, with the German Spitz being one of the dogs used to create the breed. Queen Victoria made these small dogs popular during her reign in the 1900s.


The character of a pomeranian is playful, active and watchful. It may be a small dog, but a pomeranian is not afraid. In fact, it barks quickly and especially loudly, even at dogs that are a size too big for it. At the same time, the Pomeranian is an affectionate lapdog that prefers to do everything together with its owner. And believe it or not: he is an avid walker. A long walk in the woods or park will therefore quickly put a smile on his face. The perfect owner of a pomeranian is therefore a person who loves to cuddle and walk with his dog.


Health, Grooming, Exercise, Training & Nutrition Pomeranian

Owning a dog is not just a privilege; it’s a responsibility. They depend on us for, at minimum, food and shelter, and deserve much more. When you take a dog into your life, you need to understand the commitment that dog ownership entails.


#1 Health of A Pomeranian Dog

Pomeranians are generally healthy little dogs, and responsible breeders screen their stock for health conditions such as luxating patellas (kneecaps that slip out of place), hypothyroidism, collapsing tracheas, congestive heart failure, seizures, and alopecia X (black skin disease). The Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA) is a registry that keeps health-screening information in a public database. Be sure to request to see copies of OFA results of the litter's parents from the breeder when considering a puppy.


#2 Grooming a Pomeranian

All dogs need grooming, regardless of their size, shape and coat type. You should brush your Pomeranian at least three times a week, preferably more often. If they shed, brushing more often is essential to prevent the loose hair from becoming matted.


Pomeranians are very active little dogs, so you need to keep their nails short. You should also wipe away any "sleep" around his eyes and keep your pet's bottom clean.


You can go to a professional dog groomer every four to six weeks for a full grooming, including bathing, brushing, trimming, anal glands, nails and ears. Or you should learn those all-important Pomeranian grooming skills yourself and do it at home!


If you neglect grooming, your Pomeranian's coat can become matted, the fur can become brittle and the skin can dry out. So it is important to groom your dog correctly, both for health and aesthetic reasons.


#3 Exercise a Pomeranian

As much as Pomeranians enjoy being lapdogs and family companions, they do benefit from some exercise and enjoy the chance to run, play, and go for walks. Be sure to keep a close eye on your Pom when he or she is outside. They are notorious for escaping through small crevices or gaps in fencing, or climbing over short fencing.


Small breeds like Pomeranians can be mistaken for rabbits or squirrels by large, predatory birds such as hawks and owls, so it is vital to keep a Pom under cover or stay with them at all times. When taking your Pom for a walk, be cautious of your surroundings. Other dogs who are not controlled can easily hurt your Pom.


Read more 8x Best Natural Relaxation Exercises for Dogs


#4 Training of a Pomeranian

The Pom should be trained to walk on a leash early on and taught to come when called. Housebreaking can be a challenge, so consistency and patience are key. It is important to keep your Pom from jumping on and off couches or beds, as they can injure joints or even break a bone. Poms are alert and highly intelligent, and they enjoy and can excel in canine activities like agility, rally, and obedience, or working as therapy dogs.


#5 Nutrition

The Pomeranian should do well on a high-quality dog food, whether commercially manufactured or home-prepared with your veterinarian's supervision and approval. Any diet should be appropriate to the dog's age (puppy, adult, or senior). Some dogs are prone to getting overweight, so watch your dog's calorie consumption and weight level. Treats can be an important aid in training, but giving too many can cause obesity. Learn about which human foods are safe for dogs, and which are not. Check with your vet if you have any concerns about your dog's weight or diet. Clean, fresh water should be available at all times.


How To Transport A Pomeranian in The Car?

Whether your dog is 6 months, 1 year or 5 years old, you will need to transport it by car one way or another. The destinations could be visiting the dog vet, family, a vacation trip or a walk in the woods. Whatever the reason may be, being well-prepared when travelling with a Pomeranian in the car is very important.


How To Ensure Comfort in The Car For A Pomeranian?

Travelling in a vehicle can be distressing for your pet along with the motion causing them to be sick. To help your Pomeranian getting used to being in the car, it’s best to introduce them to this as early as possible as part of their socialisation training. Exposing them at a young age to this environment will desensitise their uncertainty and get them used to the motion. It’s best for your dog to be able to see out of a window when travelling, or if your pet is prone to motion sickness, allow them to face forward.


Travel socialisation can be built up, starting with short distances and extending to longer distance car journeys. Treats can help make these new experiences positive and reinforce your pet that they have behaved well.


Travelling With A Pomeranian in The Car

How to travel with a dog in the car? In order to ensure a successfull car ride you need to be well-prepared. We have gathered the best must-follow tips to create the best preparation for your dog.


The most common dog problems that many dogs experience in the car:

  • Motion sickness: to avoid car sickness, it's important to not feed your dog a few hours before leaving the house;
  • Stress: be familiar with dog stress in the car. Read our blog to learn more about stress in dogs;
  • Anxiety: anxiety by dogs in car rides are very common. Read more about this problem to prevent it.


What are the best tips to travel with a dog?


Extra Tips:

  • To make sure he doesn't get too stressed, take the time to gradually get him used to the car. You can make several short trips, reward him with a treat so he associates transportation with positive things;
  • Teach your dog that travelling can be fun from a young age;
  • If you’re staying in a hotel, call the management in advance and know their policies when it comes to pets;
  • Bring your dog’s medical certificates, vaccination documents, and other similar records just in case they are required;
  • Create familiar surroundings in the car (blanket, toys etc.);
  • When traveling by car, take a break every 2-3 hours. Bring your dog out of the crate and let him get some fresh air to stretch a little bit. Bathroom breaks would also be important for your pet;
  • Never leave your dog alone in the car, even with the window open, in the shade or even in winter (risk of excessive heat, injuries ...);
  • If you travel by car with your dog, stop every 2 hours for his needs and give him something to drink;
  • Make sure the driver is safe as well;
  • Make sure your dog is safe and comfortable by using a dog car seat.


Travelling in The Car - Safety For Your Pomeranian

One of the most important rules of travelling with your dog: Do not leave your Pomeranian free in the car. Indeed, he may be injured, fall or receive a shock when braking hard.


  1. Dog car seat: The best investment is a dog car seat with safety elements to ensure a safe car ride;
  2. Safety elements: always make sure your dog is restraint with a sturdy dog harness and a dog car seat belt;


Travelling in The Car - Safety For The Driver

In a collision at 50 km/h, even a small dog can become a life-threatening projectile for passengers in the car. What is the law on dogs in cars? When in a vehicle make sure dogs or  are suitably restrained to avoid distraction or injuring. In an event of a collision, it could be used as evidence against you if your dog is not properly secured.


Do dogs have to be restrained in cars? When driving with dogs it's important to be familiar with the law rule 57 highway codeA proper dog car seat, dog harness, dog seat belt are the best ways of restraining. Make sure to check out the correct law rules for your own country.


If your pet is found to have caused or contributed to an accident, your car insurance could be invalid, as well as any pet insurance. You could also face a fine of up to £5,000 if you’re taken to court, as well as points on your license.


Luxury Dog Car Seat

L'élianne ® designer dog car seat is original, exclusive & innovative designed for any car-adventure. Our iconic dog travel bed provides the best protection, comfort, and support during dangerous & unsafe situations.


The dog booster seat is a must-have to instantly master anxiety, stress or car sickness. The elevated seat provides a breathtaking view of the outside world. L'élianne ® strives for a future where dogs no longer have to feel such problems.


The luxury dog booster car seat functions as an airbag effect during sharp turns, hard brakes & high bumps. By recreating the comforts of your home for small to medium-sized dogs into the car.




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Pomeranian Dog Breed: Information, Travelling & Transport Tips

The Pomeranian may be small, but they are real extroverts with a very friendly and affectionate nature. They are the smallest of the Spitz-type dog breed group and have a very foxy appearance, all wrapped up in a bundle of fluff. They have an interesting ancestry, with the German Spitz being one of the dogs used to create the breed. Queen Victoria made these small dogs popular during her reign in the 1900s.

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